Procter & Gamble Data Science engaged my services to produce a series of recruitment videos. These videos targeted two audiences: Ph.D. Students and Recent Graduates and Experienced Data Scientist (Ph.D.) who might have families. My responsibilities for the project included: script writing, graphic development, motion design, voice over direction, music selection, and production across multiple sizes (1920x1080, 300x250, & 300x600) and times (30 seconds, 15 seconds, & 6 seconds).
Audience 1: Ph.D. Students and Recent Graduates
30 Second — 1920 by 1080
15 Second — 1920 by 1080
6 Second — 1920 by 1080
Audience 2: Experienced Data Scientist (Ph.D.) with families.
30 Second — 1920 by 1080
15 Second — 1920 by 1080
6 Second — 1920 by 1080
Snapshot of the Pre-Production Design Process
The pre-production design process included the development of six scripts followed by four visual design options based on P&G’s brand standards. Both the script and visual design options received three rounds of revisions before the final. The following images are pulled directly from some of those pre-production presentations. All the presentations were set up the same way: I ground the team in the project goals, the two audiences and their key messages, and the sizes and dynamics of each deliverable. The first three presentations focused on the scrips for all six videos. The artwork is determined by the script; therefore, the scripts had to be revised and approved first. Next, the visual design options were presented in storyboard format, for the 6-second and 15-second videos. After three rounds of revisions, the chosen design was executed in storyboard format across all six videos.